This entry is going to start with a story—a not-so-funny-at-the-time-but-funny-now type of story!
Every year, the OBU Campus Activities Board (CAB) puts on a show called “Spring Affair”. In this talent showcase, students perform songs and funny skits, and friends and family watch. This year’s Spring Affair theme was “Rockumentary”, included iconic songs from many decades.
For this production, my best friend, Ali, and I were responsible for costume design. We came up with creative ways to make costumes and tailor them to each person. We even had to make Mr. Potato head! During this process, we had to stay stocked up on craft items we need to produce the costumes.
And that is where the funny story comes in. We will call it the “Wal-Mart disaster/FAIL” story:
On the night right before the show, our costume committee began to run low on supplies. As a result, Ali and I were sent to Wal-Mart and the mall to get green spray paint, safety pins, black acrylic paint, and an oversized lollipop. Since we are broke college students, we did not want this to come out of our pockets so we brought with us the CAB Wal-Mart card.
At all times when we are together, Ali and I are acting goofy and having fun. So on the way to get supplies, we are simultaneously enjoying each other’s company and trying to get the job done. When we realize the mall doesn’t carry lollipops, we then head to Wal-Mart (the cool place to be in Shawnee) to get the rest of the items. We went all around the store to find green spray paint, safety pins, and black acrylic paint. Once we got these items we went to check out. Everything sounds great doesn’t it? This is where it goes wrong.
When Ali and I got to the checkout line to pay, we both checked our purses to find that the Wal-Mart card had gone missing! Ali and I were sure that it was in the car, so she pulls it around to look and no card was to be found. This is when panic mode sits in. I couldn’t help but to think, “Hmmm, my first time to show responsibility to C.A.B. and I lose the card with all the money on it!” I was determined to find that card.
First, we rummage through both of our purses and her car frantically to find it...not there.
Second, we go back to the mall, where I run inside while Ali checks the parking lot… not there.
Third, we go back to Wal-Mart, where Ali runs through the parking lot looking while I look in the store…still not there.
We went on this errand at 6:00 to get these items and didn’t return to OBU until 9:30 with the supplies…but still no card.
What is so funny about this story is that I looked SO ridiculous running through these stores looking for this card. I swear it looked like I had lost a million dollars. Because of the frantic nature of my searching, some guy even stopped and asked me if I was looking for a child–how embarrassing! But like I said, in hindsight, it is reeeallly funny.
But besides it just being funny, I actually learned something that night, perhaps one of the greatest things I have gleaned this semester. When I was running through Wal-Mart I just suddenly stopped to catch my breath. And right then, I felt as though God said to me, “Child, you know how determined you are to find that card? That is how I feel about you—and so much more.”
Those words were like peace over me.
So, the story last weekend sadly ended with Ali and me not finding the card. BUT, guess what? That is not the case with God, because in His story we are gloriously found. And if took me losing an important card to remember that, then so be it.
Few things to think about:
Take this as a challenge to look for God even in the littlest unexpected situations because He will surely speak.
If you are reading this and feeling lost today, go to the Lord and he will call you by name. Even if you feel far and not findable, take heart because God has found you. I know from experience, he just never lets go of his children.
Or, if you feel confident in being found by God, take time today to celebrate! Because it is something to be rejoiced daily.
For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.- Luke 15:24
Thanks for reading!
P.S. The Wal-Mart staff found the card in the parking lot that following Monday!