Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Bittersweet Wedding Day

We all have people who shape our lives.

One person that really shaped my life was my dad. And my deceased father happens to be the reason behind the “bittersweet” titled in this blog post.

My wedding day is in a week and I fully expect it to be one of the happiest days of my life but there is still a little sadness in me too. My dad will not be there and it truly is a burden that is too hard to bear when I think about it.

But last night, I chose to think about it. I went on a drive and ended up at a nearby airport that reminds me of the cherished times when my dad use to take my sister and me to watch planes. This drive and reminiscing forced me to stop and think about these precious relationships.

I have been filling up this engagement with so many silly details that I have neglected time to just embrace and feel all the emotions this season holds and the individuals who share it with me.

And embracing this season means facing the grief along with the happiness of a new life beginning.
So I tell you this story not for sympathy but to be real. To show you where I am and the lessons I am learning through this experience.

I am learning that everyone has burdens to bear and real things to work through, everything from a death of parent to a loss of relationship with a friend. This will be grief that demands to be heard even during the happiest of moments.

So, embrace it.  

No more fake smiles when there are times of harsh reality. The grief does remind us of the moments we do not have with lost loved ones but it makes us appreciate precious individuals that are in front of us right now. We should cherish and hold them as close as we can to our hearts because these moments come and go.

But, ultimately this season reminds me of God’s love for us. A wedding in the Bible is imagery of the final day when God is united with His church. It is a moment when every tear is wiped away and grief forgotten (Revelation 21).

Every. Grief. Is. Forgotten.

How beautiful? No wedding day between humans could ever amount to that. There is such a greater love at work in this life.

So, even though my wedding day will not be “perfect” since my father will be missing, an even better day is yet to come that will be inexpressibly magnificent.

And when it comes, we will not embrace grief, but instead we will embrace Jesus.

Thanks for reading!
