Saturday, December 3, 2011

How Would You Define Yourself?

Being “you” can be one of the most challenging things to do. Heck, even just finding “you” can be a terribly hard task.  There is so much influence in this world telling you what to be, and ironically enough it actually can impede people from just simply being.       
I want to be who I am, but  who am I? How would I define myself? I would say I am bubbly, encouraging, and hardworking (I am my father’s daughter). I am sometimes stubborn, loud (yet with the tendency to sometimes be shy), easily frightened, and quick to worry. I am also optimistic, diligent, fond of meaningful long talks and quality time, and a Christ follower; I can think of a long list of things.
Lately I have been thinking about everything that makes me, me. I have meditated on those descriptions and how they have been affected, for good or bad,  by others since I have been at college. And in this process of pondering I started to dwell on what it really meant to be defined as a “Christ follower.” And as I did I started to understand more than I have ever understood before that my identity is really found in Christ ALONE.
Two things have been a key influence in my life for Christ and in how to be myself. Those two things are: the book “So Long Insecurity” By Beth Moore and the most influential of the two, my best friend and mentor, Kathryn Johnson
I read the book “So Long Insecurity” this past summer for a women’s bible study and it greatly impacted me. It really taught me what it means to be secure in who I am, and that regardless of trials I will always be “clothed with strength and dignity” that comes from Christ.  I began to understand the persistent fear in people of not being secure, and this can cause one to follow what society presents as comfort and appealing. And if you truly replace fear with God you find fulfilling comfort and a strong identity.
Perhaps more than anyone else, Kathryn Johnson has helped me understand what it truly means to be a genuine spirit. While this is only one aspect of my life this wonderful woman has changed forever, it is likely the most significant.  She is a “free spirit” in every sense of the word.  She shows me that it is okay to be, well, kind of weird. (But everyone is weird in some way!) The best part about Kathryn is that Jesus is always at the center of who she is. She passionately loves him and follows his guidance. At the end of the day, she does not care what world tells her to be. She only cares about who God wants her to be. Witnessing this has been such an encouragement and blessing to me. She helped guide me back to finding myself again when life had let me forgotten. I love her, and I love most of all that she let God use her to speak to and mentor me.
So now I am at the point to where I am starting to fully comprehend what it is to be fully defined by Christ. And I’m not going to let others restrict me from being unique since that’s how the Lord has made me. I use to want to worry about how people perceive me and if they agreed with path I’m taking for my life. But now, I have come to the realization that I shouldn’t worry since everyday I do make the conscious decision to die to my sinful self so that Christ can live within me.  So If I make this confession with all sincerity and follow His ways I am following His will regardless if it fits others standards. And additionally I don’t believe society should be intertwined with this claimed identity anyways.
The acceptance from humans is so fragile, but God’s acceptance is never-ending. So no longer should I ask myself if I fit the mold that others expect. I would much rather be happy than perfect. I don’t need the pressure to have qualities the world says to be desirable because the one quality I should be relentlessly seeking is to be like Jesus. I’m appreciative for the fact I can always rely on God for any situation; but especially when I doubt who I am. In His word I‘m constantly reminded of His sovereignty and because of Him I will always be a beautiful, complete, and fulfilled me! 

So, now that I have said my piece I am going to go rock out to Demi Lovato's song "This is Me (Acoustic Version)" on my iTunes :)

Thanks for reading!


  1. Oh Karlie, I just say you young people just blow my mind! Such wisdom in early years. I see it in David as well and and bursting with happiness for your futures. Two things immediately came to mind:

    First, when David was young, he came and sat down beside me and said "Mom, kids say I'm wierd" and honestly I couldn't have been happier - I jokingly (but really meant it) to embrace the wierdness, have fun and be yourself and what an honorable young man he has become.

    And second, I read in a quote in the sports section just this morning which is probably the first time in my life that I have read an article in the sports section, but anyway. The quote was from Joe Clark (of "Lean on Me" fame) "If everybody hates you then something is wrong, if everybody likes you then something is wrong" true!

    I hope our paths cross soon :).


  2. LOL - I should have put my comment in a word document and spell checked it...sorry, just wrote off the cuff :).

  3. Aww... what a pleasant surprise! I sure wasn't expecting THAT! I love you lamb chop! This is a great lesson to learn at an early age, because none of us will ever live up to the standard of "them". (-: All we can do is work toward being more like Christ. The closer we all are to Christ, the closer we will be to each other. I love you and miss you lots and am ready for you to be home for Christmas!


  4. Karlie,

    This is a brilliant post. You have discussed one of the biggest issues, especially in our world today. We all face this struggle, and so many are affected by it in a negative way.

    Thanks for being a light in a dark world. I am proud of who you are.


  5. Thank you everyone!!! This is such encouraging feedback!

    Karen I really really hope our paths do cross, I would love to talk with you!

    Kathryn, I LOVE YOU ! ..Said enough

    And Doug thank you for always being so supportive, it really helps me want to continue to write! ( I also love your blog too)

    Glad you enjoyed it!

